Products vs Platforms: The Future of EHRs

As I see it, there are two approaches to building a successful EHR. The first is to build The Perfect Product. This is very, very hard. Maybe once in a generation, a Steve Jobs comes along with the right combination of vision and obsessive attention to detail to be able to execute this consistently.

Needless to say, the attempts we have had at The Perfect Product have been far from perfect. Gregory Schmidt points to a 2016 Medscape EHR report which shows that the most widely used EHRs are poorly rated, and that user satisfaction decreased between 2014 and 2016.

In fact, the track record of big tech companies attempting to enter health and failing indicates to me that The Perfect Product, at least when it comes to EHRs, is impossible to produce; our needs as clinicians are too disparate. The obstetrics ward, the radiology department, the lab, and the ED all want information presented in drastically different ways. Thus far no single software vendor has been able to produce a program that satisfies all parties under one hospital roof.

I think an easier approach, one more reliably likely to iterate towards success, is to build A Mediocre Platform, and have third-party developers create modular tools that cater to end-users’ specific needs. At its foundation is a central database with all patient info. The end-user is presented only those facets of the patient he or she cares to know. Third-party developers compete with each other to produce apps that offer the best user experience in the presentation of that info. The apps access the central database through a common application programming interface, or API.

As far as I know, nobody has tried the second approach.

Those in tech are probably more familiar with this crucial difference between products and platforms. For those coming from healthcare, I point you to Steve Yegge’s infamous Google Platforms Rant as a primer. Yegge is a tech industry veteran who has worked at Amazon and Google. (Ironically, the original post was posted to Google+, which no longer exists because, as a product, it could not compete with Facebook’s platform of third-party offerings.)

I’ll summarize the salient points:

Around 2002, when Amazon was still more or less an online bookstore emerging from the dot-com bubble and squeezed by shrinking margins, Jeff Bezos issued a single mandate via email that set Amazon on the path to become the dominant online retailing platform in the world. The keyword here is platform: Amazon doesn’t sell everything itself (ie, buy things from wholesalers, store them warehouses, and ship them to customers). It provides the interface between buyers and sellers.

In one email Bezos changed the culture of the company from one focused on products to one focused on services. In doing so he also made the company vastly more efficient and turned cost items into revenue streams.

Essentially, the genius of the mandate was to make all of the teams of programmers working for Amazon communicate via the same interface (API), and to make the internal services that the teams provide to each other accessible to third party programmers outside the company, at scale, at the flip of a switch. In this way Bezos drastically reduced the amount of redundant work the independent teams had to do. Instead of building a software tool yourself, just look for it in the directory of services — chances are someone has done it already. The fundamental resources that Amazon programmers needed — things like computing power, online storage, database management, data analytics — were now services that could be offered to the outside world for profit. In 2019 this collection of online services, known as Amazon Web Services (AWS), generated revenues of $35 billion USD, 12.5% of Amazon’s total. AWS remains the dominant player in cloud computing today (Netflix, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter are just some of the big names that rely on its services). Before the famous Mandate, none of this would have been possible — the massive amounts of computational resources that Amazon consumed would have purely been an expense on the balance sheet.

Elsewhere in the technosphere, Google saw Facebook’s success as a social network and tried to copy it with Google+, but failed to grasp the allure of Facebook as a platform with a killer app. Per Yegge: 

Google+ is a knee-jerk reaction, a study in short-term thinking, predicated on the incorrect notion that Facebook is successful because they built a great product. But that’s not why they are successful. Facebook is successful because they built an entire constellation of products by allowing other people to do the work. So Facebook is different for everyone. Some people spend all their time on Mafia Wars. Some spend all their time on Farmville. There are hundreds or maybe thousands of different high-quality time sinks available, so there’s something there for everyone.

Our Google+ team took a look at the aftermarket and said: “Gosh, it looks like we need some games. Let’s go contract someone to, um, write some games for us.” Do you begin to see how incredibly wrong that thinking is now? The problem is that we are trying to predict what people want and deliver it for them.

You can’t do that. Not really. Not reliably. There have been precious few people in the world, over the entire history of computing, who have been able to do it reliably. Steve Jobs was one of them. We don’t have a Steve Jobs here.

The architects of EHRs cannot predict what people want and deliver it for them. The best way forward is to create a marketplace of third-party modular apps that can be mixed and matched to fulfill a clinical niche. In later posts I will explore how we can create such a a marketplace.

8 thoughts on “Products vs Platforms: The Future of EHRs

  1. Definitely something that should be talked about. I mean the first question I would have is would the apps be proprietary to the hospital system? EHR software in hospital systems currently are individual instances of the software specific to the hospital itself. It’s a shell that the hospital fills in. This ensures the patient information remains inside the system. Would each app be owned and run by the hospital system? Should apps not owned by the hospital system be allowed to pull patient info?

  2. “At its foundation is a central database with all patient info.”

    That’s the hard part, isn’t it? These kind of initiatives seems like it needs to come from the government, but they’re terrible at these things. Is this data open? I’m not even sure how this would work in larger markets like America.

    I can only see companies doing one of two things:
    – Build a platform with little to no data to support adoption.
    – Build a wildly popular product that can collect a critical mass of medical records and iterate itself into a trusted platform.

    Maybe the second one already exists.

    1. Absolutely, I think this is where provincial and federal governments need to step in. I think the best way forward would be central databases maintained by the provinces (healthcare is still a provincial jurisdiction), with a common API to ensure interoperability between provinces.

      I look at the crippling financial complexity of American healthcare and just throw up my hands; I’ll just tend to my garden up here. The problem is Canada is now importing American problems as “turnkey solutions” by buying products from Cerner and Epic.

      You’ve been in the US too long, Scott! Canada still has a hope of government mandates fulfilling needs that the market cannot.

      1. My dad actually worked on a project for the BC government to do something very similar to this in 2013-2014. I’ll need to ask him to refresh my memory but as I recall some major stumbling blocks were large numbers of rural and remote hcps who still had all their records on paper, the fact that provincial colleges only use 6-digit codes for physicians (so they run out and have to recycle them), and the fact that the person running the project was a careerist sociopath like something out an episode of the Wire who purged all the competent programmers.

        1. Would love to chat with him about his experience!

          Re: paper records, at some point we just have to say those things are lost. We could go through the effort of scanning them and using OCR to index them, but I think the yield is too low.

          Re: 6-digit MSP codes. This is just ridiculous. I cannot believe nobody had the foresight to predict this, and also if the internet can go from IPv4 to IPv6, I think we can fix this too.

          Re: careerist sociopaths. This is my biggest fear about devoting more time and sweat to this problem. I just can’t stop thinking about the problem as a clinician and engineer, but the politics involved makes me shudder.

          1. Also haha OCR on doctor handwriting is like, beyond machine learning/AI capabilities for the next hundred years probably. Garbage in, garbage out.

  3. Completely agree with most of your thoughts.

    We have actually made some reasonable progress though. EHRs as platforms was advocated for by Mandl and Kohane in 2009:

    They were subsequently funded by the US government and created SMART.

    On May 1, 2020 with the 21st Century Cures Act, the support of APIs utiliizing FHIR (e.g., SMART on FHIR apps) was mandated by the ONC in the US for Health IT developers.

    The CST-Cerner product that BC is currently launching will support FHIR API in the not too distant of future. Cerner already has a SMART App Gallery, currently with 51 apps in it, and an app development sandbox. For sure, the major vendors contributed to the challenging state of health IT we are in but we should acknowledge efforts to change the situation, such as Cerner and Epic being founding members of the Argonaut Project to promote the adoption and implementation of FHIR.

    If all goes according to plan, we will be developing our own BC apps very soon.

    1. These are encouraging developments! Thanks for the update Jesse. The Juxly Timeline app in the App Gallery is precisely what I had in mind.

      It’s disappointing to me that there were those with the vision for the fix we currently advocate, all the way back in 2009 at the beginning of this saga. A minor course adjustment then would have averted a lot of physician burnout, and maybe even major adverse events.

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